Thank You to our Housing Champions!
We need the financial support of our local business community in order to produce more units of affordable housing for essential workers. Most housing developments that we undertake cost us $150,000 to $300,000 before we can get a shovel in the ground.
If your local business would like to be a Housing Champion, email LRCD Executive Director, Carmen Lorentz at [email protected].
We are incredibly grateful for these businesses that support our mission!
If your local business would like to be a Housing Champion, email LRCD Executive Director, Carmen Lorentz at [email protected].
We are incredibly grateful for these businesses that support our mission!
Sheehan Phinney

“We are proud to support LRCD’s unwavering dedication to creating healthy homes and vibrant communities for people in the Lakes Region. Their great work is an example of what can be accomplished through hard work and commitment. Sheehan Phinney’s Affordable Housing Group is honored to be a Housing Champion.”
~ Ken Viscarello, Chair, Affordable Housing Group at Sheehan Phinney
*Pictured from left to right: Margaret Probish (SP), Kara LaSalle (LRCD), Greg Chakmakas (SP), Sue Manchester (SP), Sal Steven-Hubbard (LRCD) Ken Viscarello (SP), Chloe Golden (SP), and Valerie April (SP).
~ Ken Viscarello, Chair, Affordable Housing Group at Sheehan Phinney
*Pictured from left to right: Margaret Probish (SP), Kara LaSalle (LRCD), Greg Chakmakas (SP), Sue Manchester (SP), Sal Steven-Hubbard (LRCD) Ken Viscarello (SP), Chloe Golden (SP), and Valerie April (SP).
Franklin Savings Bank

“We are so grateful for the service that Lakes Region Community Developers provides to meet the housing needs in the Lakes Region,” comments Brian Bozak, President and CEO of Franklin Savings Bank. “Having more units of affordable housing is not only essential, but also critical to economic development in the region."
~ Brian Bozak, President & CEO of Franklin Savings Bank
*Pictured are LRCD Executive Director, Carmen Lorentz (L) with FSB President & CEO, Brian Bozak (R).
~ Brian Bozak, President & CEO of Franklin Savings Bank
*Pictured are LRCD Executive Director, Carmen Lorentz (L) with FSB President & CEO, Brian Bozak (R).

“Caring has always been at the heart of everything we do at MVSB, and that is why we are proud to support the mission of Lakes Region Community Developers to ensure everyone has access to safe and affordable housing. By building and nurturing relationships with the people and organizations of our community, we can cultivate a community where we all thrive.”
~Marcus Weeks, MVSB President
*Pictured are LRCD Executive Director, Carmen Lorentz (L) with Lori Borrin, Vice President & Mortgage Loan Officer at MVSB.
~Marcus Weeks, MVSB President
*Pictured are LRCD Executive Director, Carmen Lorentz (L) with Lori Borrin, Vice President & Mortgage Loan Officer at MVSB.
CATIC - New Hampshire

“Housing availability is such a critical issue in our state right now. CATIC is glad to support the work that Lakes Region Community Developers is doing to help ensure that everyone lives in a safe and affordable home.”
~Leigh Willey, New Hampshire Underwriting Counsel, CATIC New Hampshire
Franklin Savings Bank

“We hear all the time from our business customers that they can’t find enough workers. We experience the same issue here at the bank. Affordable housing is critical to solving this problem. Supporting LRCD is one concrete way we can promote development of more housing for our local workforce.”
~ Ron Magoon, CEO of Franklin Savings Bank
Melcher & Prescott Insurance

"Affordable housing is clearly a challenge here in the Lakes Region. I believe affordable housing is important for producing economic growth along with creating vibrant and inclusive neighborhoods. When families can't meet their basic housing needs, businesses will struggle to attract and retain employees and our local communities will become less diverse."
- Bill Bald, President of Melcher & Prescott Insurance
Sheehan Phinney
"We are proud to support LRCD’s work as a non-profit housing developer. Groups like LRCD are in this for the long haul, and we realize it is a privilege that LRCD lets us partner with them in their efforts to create new affordable housing opportunities in the Lakes Region. We are honored and humbled that LRCD lets us be a small part of helping them achieve their mission.”
– Ken Viscarello, Chair, Affordable Housing Group at Sheehan Phinney |
Northpoint Engineering

“We know first-hand the great work that LRCD does in the community to address the housing crisis. We’re pleased to support an organization with a great track record doing such important work.”
— Kevin Leonard, Principal Engineer of Northpoint Engineering
Resilient Buildings Group

“We are proud to support LRCD’s work to address the housing crisis in the Lakes Region. We also love that they go to great lengths to incorporate energy efficiency and renewable energy in all their developments – our missions are highly aligned.”
—Dana Nute, President of Resilient Buildings Group