Lakes Region Community Developers began in 1993 with a mission to create opportunities for the Lakes Region to thrive by developing healthy homes, creating vibrant community assets, and engaging residents. For the past 25 years, we have worked towards that mission by developing high-quality, affordable rental housing throughout the Lakes Region.
On Saturday June 9th, in honor of NeighborWorks Week, LR Community Developers hosted a block party at River’s Edge Apartments in Laconia NH. More than 60 residents from the various 341 LR Community Developers affordable apartments joined in the celebration enjoying music, food and games. The block party welcomed nine local service providers to join the fun and provide information and awareness about the services they offer to local residents. The following organizations joined and hosted various games for resident participation; Navigating Recovery, Laconia Police Department, Belknap County Conservation District, Belknap-Merrimack Head Start, Lakes Region Partnership for Public Health, Stand Up Laconia, Lakes Region Child Care Services, Healthy Families America, and Family Resource Center of the Lakes Region. Residents played ring toss, got their faces painted and could even blend their own smoothies using the blender bike rented from Global Awareness Local Action. Each June, NeighborWorks America and its network of local organizations (like LR Community Developers) mobilize tens of thousands of volunteers, businesspeople, neighbors, friends, and local and national elected and civic leaders in a week of neighborhood change and awareness. If you would like to continue the support, look for the LR Community Developers DIPJAR as it travels around the Lakes Region during 2018 or donate at Comments are closed.