We've Moved! LRCD’s new headquarters and Court Street Neighborhood Center are now up and running at 193 Court Street, Laconia. Although we still have some finishing touches to complete, LRCD staff are now working from the new space and gearing up to offer a range of new community building and engagement programming at the Neighborhood Center. LRCD is also pleased to welcome the Central Region staff of Granite United Way as tenants of 193 Court Street. Save the date for our open house! Thursday, November 14 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm 193 Court Street, Laconia Hosted in conjunction with the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce as part of their Business After Hours event series. MVSB Helps Build Starter Homes in Wolfebor0
$150,000 in NH Business Tax Credits Still Available!
Summer Community Building Activities Our 2018 resident survey indicated that LRCD residents wanted more community building events at their properties to help them get to know their neighbors better. This summer, our UNH intern, Ally Crowley, helped organize a fantastic series of resident events, including BBQs, ice cream socials, and the creation of a four-square court with young resident leaders at our Pinecrest Apartments in Meredith. Green Tip - Back to School Tips As a NeighborWorks America Green Designated Organization, we have incorporated green practices across all our lines of business, and we strive to inspire our community to choose green practices for their homes and businesses. We hope you enjoy our monthly Green Tip. Once again the summer flew by and it's time for kids to head back to school. Wondering how to make going back to school more planet-friendly? Here are 10 tips!
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