HAPPY & HEALTHY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES FROM ALL OF US AT LRCD! LRCD residents helped downtown Laconia get into the Christmas spirit by adding their homemade ornaments to the LRCD tree. LRCD sponsored a tree as part of Celebrate Laconia Lights Festival. FUNDER SPOTLIGHT - NeighborWorks America In these uncertain times, we are extremely grateful for our longstanding partnership with NeighborWorks America. NeighborWorks is a congressionally chartered and funded, nonpartisan, non-profit organization whose mission is to create opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives, and strengthen their communities. At the heart of NeighborWorks’ mission is a network of more than 240 of the best housing and community development organizations in the country. LRCD is fortunate to have been part of this network of excellence for nearly 20 years. As a NeighborWorks organization, LRCD receives critical operating and capital funding and has access to peer-exchange learning opportunities, technical assistance, evaluation tools, and training for staff and volunteers. Every year, we use all the tools that NeighborWorks offers to grow and strengthen LRCD so that we can continue to respond to the changing housing and community development needs of the Lakes Region. The Hodges Companies Supports LRCD The Hodges Companies purchases $37,000 in NH Business Tax Credits The Hodges Companies has made a generous pledge to purchase $37,000 of our CDFA tax credits to support the continued renovations to our 193 Court Street building. The proceeds of our tax credit sales will help us add more insulation, put new siding on the north and west walls, make parking lot improvements, and add landscaping. If your business pays NH business enterprise or business profits taxes in NH, you can redirect a significant portion of your tax liability to a local project like this. Please contact Carmen at [email protected] if you are interested in supporting the 193 Court Street Project. Funds Awarded for Gale School The Board of Directors of the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) has announced $4.1 million dollars in matching grants awarded to thirty-two projects across the state, including the Gale School project in Belmont. LRCD has received a $21,000 grant award to support the pre-development work required for the renovations of the historic Gale School. We are very appreciative of LCHIP’s investment in redeveloping the Gale School” said Carmen Lorentz, LRCD's Executive Director. “The LCHIP award enables us to hire a Historic Consultant, complete civil engineering, and begin architectural work, all crucial items for the redevelopment of this historic building." LRCD's Gilford Village Knolls III Featured LRCD is honored to have our Gilford Village Knolls III development featured in the Community Loan Fund's Annual Report. The Fund provided the necessary loan funds for a large rooftop solar array.
To learn more about our work with the Community Loan Fund on GVK III and to see their Annual Report - click here. Comments are closed.