Compass House One Year Anniversary
MVSB Donates $5,000 on Behalf of Carol Bickford When Carol Bickford recently retired from New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp after 37 years of dedicated service, most recently as the Senior Vice President and Retail Lending Officer, the Board of Directors for Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB) opted to honor the valued employee with a donation of five thousand dollars to the nonprofit of her choice. We are honored that she selected LRCD. “We are so grateful to Carol and the Board of MVSB for this donation,” said Carmen Lorentz, Executive Director of LRCD. “Carol has been an amazing advocate and partner for many years, helping us to create affordable housing, provide transitional housing and supports for homeless families, develop new types of real estate to respond to local community needs, and empower families to succeed.” Congratulations on your retirement, Carol! LRCD Advocates for Affordable Housing Executive Director, Carmen Lorentz, continues to advocate for funding to address housing needs in the Lakes Region. She has participated in several roundtable discussions with our federal congressional delegation in recent months. This news article from January summarizes a housing roundtable convened by Senator Shaheen. Housing advocates tell Shaheen crisis worsening under COVID | Local News | Jan 15, 2021 Save the Date - April 15 at 4pm LRCD is hosting it's second annual Housing & Economy Snapshot on Thursday, April 15th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. The virtual event will include a screening of NH PBS' Communities and Consequences II: Rebalancing New Hampshire's Human Ecology and will be followed by a panel discussion. Green Tip - Don't Idle Did you know it only takes 30 seconds to warm up your engine when driving in the winter? In modern fuel injected engines, you need no more than 30 seconds of idling on cold winter days before driving away. This is much better for the environment than letting your car sit idling for long periods of time.
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