Message from Our Executive Director We are so grateful to you, our funders, donors, partners, and advocates. Thank you for the many forms of support you lent to our mission in 2020. Thanks to you, we were able to keep all of our 700+ tenants in healthy homes, regardless of their ability to pay rent during this pandemic. With your help, we created new programs to help tenants overcome barriers to securing reliable transportation and accessing restorative dental care. Your support enabled us to work on a range of innovative housing and community facility projects that are desperately needed in our community to ensure that everyone in the Lakes Region has a healthy home and is empowered to succeed. Last year tested our mettle for sure, but more than anything, it illuminated the strength of our community. I cannot begin to fully express the gratitude I feel in my heart today. Every expression of support and every message of encouragement that you collectively gave us last year kept us going through some difficult moments. On behalf of our board, our residents, and our staff, we thank you. Be safe and be well. Carmen Lorentz LRCD Welcomes New Board Members
Businesses Support LRCD with Tax Credit Purchases Thank you to Meredith Village Savings Bank, Main Street America Insurance, Resilient Buildings Group, Melcher & Prescott Insurance, and Leone, McDonnell & Roberts PA for supporting LRCD with NH Business Tax Credit purchases! Our tax credit sales support the continued renovations of 193 Court Street. In Phase 1, we did all the work we could afford to do to convert the vacant building into our headquarters and the hub of our community building & engagement work in Laconia. These tax credit sales will support Phase 2 which includes: more insulation, new siding on the north and west walls, parking lot improvements, and landscaping. LRCD MUST SELL $53,000 BY MARCH 31, 2021 If your business pays NH business enterprise or business profits taxes in NH, you can redirect a significant portion of your tax liability to a local project like this. Please contact Carmen at [email protected] if you are interested in supporting the 193 Court Street Project. Race Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (REDI) In 2020, LRCD began the process of reviewing our policies, practices, and programs to identify changes that we can make to combat systemic racism and promote race equity, diversity, and inclusion. This is an ongoing process of continuous learning and improvement. In this segment of our newsletter, we will provide regular updates on this work. LRCD Receives NeighborWorks Grant for Translations LRCD received funds from NeighborWorks America to offer materials to residents in different languages. Our annual community survey and our most recent tenant newsletter were made available in English and Spanish.
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